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Accepting the invitation

The song of soul

The song of soul is an invitation.

 It is an invitation

to find a new song to sing.

Once you have opened yourself to the song,

once you have made it your own,

it will change you

from the inside out.


It will pierce you with longing.

It will inhabit your dreams.

It will take down walls

you did not know you had built.

It will show you paths

you had not seen before. 

It will take you to places

you could not have imagined.


It will sing you to freedom.

It will dance you to joy.

It is the song of soul

and it has been calling you home

from the day you were born. 


It may be that you have already heard the song of soul whispering in your ear. You may already have accepted its invitation and have set out on your soul journey. You may be wondering what it means, what it is asking of you and where it will lead you if you choose to say 'yes' to this deeper self who is calling you home. Or it may not be the time yet to respond to its invitation. You may not be ready yet. If so, be patient with yourself. Give yourself time. However many times you turn it down, your soul will never stop whispering its invitation in your ear. And it is never too late to accept.

Wherever you are on your journey, it may help you to engage with one or more of the following self-reflective and creative activities:

1. Read 'The Song of Soul' slowly several times, pausing at the end of each line to let the words sink into you. As you do so, be aware of what surfaces within you. What thoughts, feelings or physical sensations does it elicit? Are there any words that particularly speak to you? Are there any images or symbols that come to mind as you absorb the words? What deeper longings has the song of soul evoked in you?

2. Read and reflect on the quotes below:

Alan Jones: 'There is a self within me aching to be born.'

Dawna Markova: 'I will not die an unlived life... I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me...'  

John O'Donohue: 'Once the soul awakens the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing...'

Jalal al-Din Rumi: 'And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?                                    

                                 'The desire to know your own soul will end all other desires.'

Henry Thoreau: 'I wanted to live deliberately... I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life…’

Do any of them speak to you and if so, in what ways?

3. Write a piece of prose or a poem about your deepest longings. Begin with the words 'I long' and give what you have written a title. When you have finished writing, read it aloud to yourself slowly. What thoughts and feelings does it elicit in you as you voice it aloud? Keep what you have written so that you can revisit it further down the road.

©Copyright Kaitlyn Steele 2025

Kaitlyn Steele


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